Your family will be supported with emotional, physical, and informational support for however long you feel you need. Postpartum support looks different depending on each individual family’s needs. The support provided will be tailored to help guide your family in this new transition of life. The support provided can change on a weekly or daily basis with the goal of parent and infant bonding.

Physical Support

Informational Support

Emotional Support
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a doula?
A doula is a non medical support person to assist in birth and the fourth trimester, the first 6 weeks of a newborn’s life.
What does a postpartum doula do?
Are Doulas trained?
Most doulas do train with a certifying agency to build on the knowledge they already possess. Many doulas come from a working background in education, the medical field, or as nannies as well as other relevant areas. A doula does not have to be trained to be doula. Those who do train will most likely go on to become certified with their training organzation.
How much does a postpartum doula cost?
The price varies by state and by city. Some doulas work for agencies and the price will be set by their agency. Other doulas choose to start their own business and work solo or with a partner. The cost will depend on their operating costs as well.
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